What is Professional Grooming?
Based on word “Groom” (verb) from Merriam-Webster dictionary means “to clean and maintain appearance of an animal, especially the health and condition of the coat and skin, and to make neat or attractive”. The person who do grooming is called Groomer. Professional Groomer is a Great Career path to pursue, many benefit in becoming one, starting with the fact that you get to interact with amazing pet every single day and participate in the growing business in Indonesia as the trends keeps going up as pet owners in Indonesia increase and the culture shift from just a pet to become a family member.
What makes the difference between groomer and professional groomer? The ability to adapt according to pet’s behavior, vast grooming tools knowledge, know what tool is the best for the job, either it’s for trimming, curving the face shape, focus on details, pet’s clients must be treated as if they are in contest, up-to-date to the latest trends, and lastly but not least, knowledge in dermatology, to help maintain the health of the skin, coat and fur, and might often found work together with veterinary or dermatologist, then of course every professional groomer must have certificate.